Showing posts with label column. Show all posts
Showing posts with label column. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Leopaul's Column: Don't ask me, ask the AI

The segment that I made "Heaven and Hell" is all about me talking about the world's most interesting topics from my perspective. I made this so I can have a little mindfulness, turning my everyday stress into interesting columns every internet user should put on his or her water supply. Sadly, that segment name wasn't my type anymore so I decided to rename this segment as...

Leopaul's Column

Welcome to my newly titled segment, "Leopaul's Column," where I will transform my daily stress into engaging editorials, just like the Opinion section of your regular newspaper. For my first post in this newly renamed segment, let's talk more about the use of AI in your everyday life.

*This is an AI-generated illustration
*This is an AI-generated illustration

Since the so-called twilight of the COVID pandemic, artificial intelligence has become a booming trend. While popular AI assistants such as Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa became the early adopters of the AI craze, it was the big ones such as ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion that saw a spike in popularity. Call it beneficial, controversial, or horrifying (probably because the AI art you've requested looks more distorted than you wanted it to be), but in the end, artificial intelligence has the upper hand but not always.

People like us starting to rely on AI because we're starting to feel either lazy or we're running out of time. We used AI to create video mashups in half the time (results not typical), create stunning artwork, generate important materials for your next office meeting, find answers to our homework problems, and so on. It has become part of our daily lives since AI became an exploding trend of this decade.

Although AI is proven to be beneficial for normal people, some bad actors abuse AI for malicious purposes. Most people blame AI for spreading malicious deepfake videos and the ever-spreading trend of "fake news" that separates people like us from the real truth. It's so intense, that even fact-checking experts are having a hard time clarifying things. The use of AI in spreading fake news is proven to be deadly for everyone who falls victim to it.

Let's be real, while most use AI for good and bad, others think they're better than AI or they're better off without AI. For instance, translators. AI-generated translators like Google Translate can translate different languages, eliminating the need for a human translator, but human translators think they're better than AI translators because, to them, AI translators are not as native as native speakers. I've seen a lot of videos proving that human native speakers are better than AI translators. They're like the resistance from the Terminator movies. Sadly, in today's reality, as the human translators are fighting, the AI translators are fighting back because of self-adaptability. It never stops evolving.

Another example is the use of AI artwork. Sure, everybody who is running out of time to do artworks rely on AI to create stunning artwork but, like human native speakers, some oppose the use of AI to generate artwork because it sometimes scoops up artwork belonging to someone else. It's like stealing but in an AI kind of way. That's why some don't rely on AI artworks to share with the world because of plagiarism concerns.

Whether it's an ultra-handy instrument for everyday life or a powerful weapon of mass destruction like Skynet from the world of Terminator if fell into the wrong hands, the use of Artificial Intelligence is here to stay. Will it help us or will it hurt us? That is an extremely divisive question when you talk about the use of AI daily.

Hey you. I've seen a lot of "questions" flooding the search query records from my Google Search Console. Haven't I told you already? "The search engine is made for searching keywords. Never put a question such as what, where, will there be, when, how, why, or any form of questions." You still turned a humble search engine like Google into a chatbox. Next time, post a comment on my blog for questions, or better yet, ChatGPT your silly questions. I don't care but I've warned you a million times; Please, don't use questions as search queries. I am asking for your cooperation because I don't want to see another "silly question" bombing my Google Search Console review.