
Thursday, May 6, 2021

Forza Horizon 4: Livin' the Series Life

In case you really really really missed it, Forza Horizon 4 has now been enhanced for Xbox Series X and Series S users since the launch of the newest Xbox consoles.

What that means is thanks to the strengths of the newest Xbox console, playing Forza Horizon 4 has never felt so alive and thanks to the console's speed and power, loading times have been sharply cut to near none, meaning if you are going to start the game right now, it really means right now. Don't worry though because most of the progress you've worked so hard in this game while on Xbox One is already carried over from the Series X upgrade. Of course, you still need to install most of the DLC packs including the Fortune Island and LEGO Speed Champions expansion you've bought from it to get the most out of it.

To experience the difference the Series X/S enhanced version of FH4 can do, let's redo some of the finales in the game starting with the time I've driven the McLaren Senna at The Goliath. Roll the tape!

Courtesy of the folks from Panic Button, the Series X/S enhanced version of Forza Horizon 4 is more dynamic, livelier, and sharper than the original Xbox One version, giving you plenty of reasons to enjoy your British escapades even more. Of course, results may vary because if you are planning to record the whole thing, well knock yourselves but remember; while recording FH4 gameplay video on the Xbox Series X or S, recording 1080p videos is limited to four minutes while less-quality but compact 720p ones are limited to 10 minutes, which is enough to record the whole Goliath track attack but it's hard to tell.

Now, let's redo the time the Urus takes on The Leviathan at Fortune Island and the LEGO McLaren Senna takes on the LEGO Goliath at LEGO Valley, just to take a much deeper look at how much difference the Series X/S enhanced version of Forza Horizon 4 made for your driving pleasure.

Roll the tapes!

Although it's hard to tell the difference, let's remember that thanks to the capabilities of the newest Xbox console, playing Forza Horizon 4 never felt so alive with more dynamic graphics and lesser loading times. Of course, even while you're playing this game on a new console, you can still expect great content coming up to this game.

Your British escapades just got better. Welcome back to Forza Horizon 4.

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