Saturday, April 3, 2021

How to dress as: Yume Hinata and friends from Mewkledreamy


Aired on TV Tokyo last April 2020, the Mewkledreamy TV anime series centers on the life and times of a middle schooler named Yume Hinata, whose life changed forever upon her encounter with the adorable Dreamy Mate named Mew-chan. Armed with her Mewkle Stick and her Dreamy Compact, with the help of the Dreamy Mates, Yume is on a mission to purify bad dreams and foil Yuni-sama’s evil plan.

With the season finale and next week’s new season, titled Mewkledreamy Mix, around us, some of you are itching to cosplay as their favorite Mewkledreamy characters and I have just the list for you...if we’re allowed to do cosplaying again in public in the unforeseeable future.

As Yume Hinata - The main character of the show, Yume Hinata joins forces with Mew-chan to purify bad dreams and thwart Yuni-sama’s nefarious mischiefs. To become Yume, you need a long blond hair and then curve the bottom end of the hair to match Yume’s. Lastly, strap yourself some hairband on it. When you’re done, you can pick whatever costume you want, be it her school uniform or her magical girl costume for when she’s on a mission to purify one’s bad dreams. To fully achieve your Yume Hinata cosplay goals, you need a plush toy of Mew-chan (the big talking plush one is the best but a small one works too), the Mewkle Stick toy, and the Dreamy Compact toy. Speaking of Dreamy Compact, here’s hoping you can strap that to a bow while you are planning to dress as Yume in her school uniform. 

As Maika Tsukishima - Maika Tsukushima is the stylish one who draws a lot of attention from students around her. She’s one of Yume’s closest friends she saved from Yuni-sama. Her Dreamy Mate is Peco-kun, the one with the Kansai dialect. So, light brown long hair, pink cardigan, red bow, red miniskirt, and an optional Peco-kun plush to snuggle with, it’s the ideal recipe for a Maika Tsukishima cosplay. Although nearly perfect, it will do.

As Kotoko Imai - Kotoko Imai is the genius third-year middle schooler Yume admires. She’s also one of her closest friends that she saved from Yuni-sama and then part of the team. Her Dreamy Mate is Suu-chan, who is also a genius. A simple long blue hair would do and then match the same style as Kotoko-senpai. Then, you’re good to strap yourself in her school uniform as well as tagging along with the small Suu-chan plush.

As Tokiwa Anzai - Having moved to the same town as Yume’s, Tokiwa Anzai is the athletic one. Having Yume saved her from the nightmare caused by Yuni, she became part of the team. Her Dreamy Mate is Nene-chan. All it takes is a short red hair that matches Tokiwa’s hairstyle, and then you’re good to wear her school uniform and an available Nene-chan plush to go on an adventure with.

As Asahi Minamikawa - Asahi Minamikawa is Yume’s next door neighboor. He’s secretly have feelings for Yume. Later, he joined forces with the Dreamy Mate named Rei-kun and having learned that Yume and Mew-chan are in trouble because of a malevolent threat named the Night Mask, the two sides finally open themselves and with that, Asahi and Rei are now part of Yume’s team. Short brown hair is the best bet for you but be sure to trim it to make it look like Asahi’s. Then, you’re good to wear his school uniform and tag along with the available Rei-kun plush.

As Haruhito Sugiyama - The mysterious Haruhito Sugiyama is the one Yume Hinata had a crush on but he’s already had the love of his life; his childhood friend who understands him dearly. Later, he got cursed by the Queen of Nightmares and became the Night Mask, a malevolent threat that made Yume’s life more miserable. With his short jet black hair trimmed to look like his done and ready, you can either go for eitheir his school uniform, which is white all over, or terrorize the night as the Night Mask, which involves a big white crescent mask, black formalwear, a black cape, and a Yuni-sama plush. (The big, talking Yuni-sama plush is the top pick but a small one works too).

...and there you have it. How to dress as Yume Hinata and friends from the Mewkledreamy anime! Enjoy the season finale and don’t miss next week’s new season, mya!

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