
Saturday, February 20, 2021

MNL48 announces Third Generation Senbatsu

Last week, they've officially named who will be part of the Kenkyuusei and whose members are in ranks 36-17 of the MNL48 Third Generation, leaving it up to Alice, Ella, Jan, Thea, Coleen, Ruth, Lara, Princess, Abby, Jem, Jamie, Andi, Sheki, Yzabel, Tin, and Gabb, waiting for which spot they'll end up in the Senbatsu ranking and most importantly, who will be the Third Generation Center Girl.

MNL48 Third General Election

As recently announced at the recent Showtime Online U, the magic 16 as well as the third generation center girl has been named, starting with ranks 16th to 8th.

16th - Tin
15th - Thea
14th - Coleen
13th - Lara
12th - Princess
11th - Alice
10th - Gabb
9th - Yzabel
8th - Jem

Now, here are the Kami 7 and more importantly the Third Generation Center Girl every wotas are waiting for.

7th - Andi
6th - Jan
5th - Ella
4th - Ruth
3rd - Jamie
2nd - Sheki

...and the MNL48 Third Generation Center Girl is...Abby!

Let's recap who are the top 48 girls who made it to the Third Generation.
36th- Nile
35th - Lyza
34th - Mari
33rd - Rianna
32nd - Kay
31st - Klaire
30th - Grace
29th - Jana
28th - Klaryle
27th - Amy
26th - Kath
25th - Miho
24th - Jaydee
23rd - Frances
22nd - Gia
21st - Brei
20th - Alyssa
19th - Dian
18th - Dana
17th - Cole
16th - Tin
15th - Thea
14th - Coleen
13th - Lara
12th - Princess
11th - Alice
10th - Gabb
9th - Yzabel
8th - Jem
7th - Andi
6th - Jan
5th - Ella
4th - Ruth
3rd - Jamie
2nd - Sheki

Let's not forget the list of the Kenkyuusei girls in case you're wondering...
  • Laney
  • Trish
  • Charm
  • Kyla
  • Miyaka
  • Sam
  • Karla
  • Rhea
  • Rachel
  • Jie
  • Rain
  • CJ
Congratulations to the girls who made it to the MNL48 Third Generation! Now the real work begins for these girls so keep an eye out for what plans they will made on the road to their upcoming 7th single coming soon. In the meantime, please support the oshis of the MNL48 Third Generation any way you can.

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