It was in July of 1987 when Hideo Kojima created the very first Metal Gear game for Konami and launched on the MSX2 gaming console. The first Metal Gear game pits players on the role of FOXHOUND agent Snake as he's on a mission to infiltrate Outer Heaven and destroy mankind's biggest threat known as, you guessed it, Metal Gear.
A year later after Metal Gear, Hideo Kojima and the gang made another masterpiece called Snatcher. Launched in 1988 for the PPC88, Snatcher is a cyberpunk adventure where players take on the role of Gillian Seed. There's even SD Snatcher launched in 1990 for the MSX2 featuring super-deformed versions of Snatcher characters.
With Snatcher done, a sequel of the first Metal Gear game, titled Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, was released in 1990 for the MSX2, and in the sequel, Snake returns under the command of Colonel Campbell and company as he's on a mission to infiltrate Zanzibar Land, rescue the captive scientist named Dr. Kio Marv, and in due course, destroy Metal Gear. It's as simple as that.
With the success of two Metal Gear games, Kojima and the crew went to make another cyberpunk adventure reminiscent of Snatcher, only this time with some added anime sequences. Enter Policenauts, a cyberpunk cult classic launched in 1994 for the PC9821 and players jump to the year 2040 as the loose cannon cop named Jonathan Ingran in this unique cinematic adventure that combines cinematic sequences with action-packed gameplay.
In 1998, the golden age of Hideo Kojima and Konami was born as they unveiled Metal Gear Solid in the Sony PlayStation console. Featuring a memorable cast of characters, evolved stealth gameplay, and a highly memorable storyline, MGS centers on the role of the now-retired FOXHOUND agent Solid Snake as he infiltrates the island of Shadow Moses and takes on the new FOXHOUND members, led by his evil twin, Liquid. This game forever sets the standards of action gaming and because of such storyline and action, fans kept on coming back for more because they love how MGS is made.
With the success of MGS, Kojima is on the roll as he wants to expand the Metal Gear franchise to greater heights, no matter how good or bad things will be. While some installments turned explosive, some didn't fare well, including the 2000 Game Boy Color game titled Metal Gear Ghost Babel, which promises to bring tactical espionage action for players on the go. In Ghost Babel, Snake infiltrates a Central African base where Metal Gear is in the hands of a separatist group and his mission is to put a stop to it. While the gameplay is reminiscent of the earlier games, the storyline is rather more of a spinoff than a core game but still not bad to pass the time playing another one of Snake's adventures.
In the age of the PlayStation2, Kojima and folks were still busy making a new installment for the said console but in the meantime, they launched a robot action game titled Zone of the Enders in the first half of 2001. ZOE pits players on the role of a young man named Leo, who got caught in an intergalactic line between life and death when he got his hands on the Orbital Frame Jehuty. With robot action and anime cutscenes, ZOE really is one of the most memorable Kojima-made Konami games at the start of the 21st century.
After ZOE, the dawn of the new Metal Gear game came to fruition as in late 2001, Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty was launched. Set after the events of the first MGS game, MGS2 brings players to a brand new story as Snake as he uncovers a new Metal Gear conspiracy lurking beneath the tanker crossing New York City and as new character Raiden as his rescue mission at the Big Shell uncovers more on this new conspiracy. There's even a Substance game launched a year later, featuring a Demo Theater feature, VR Missions, and Snake Tales, among many others.
While MGS2 really has the most explosive storyline compared to the original MGS, there are still those who still preferred the original MGS and in response, Konami enlisted developer Silicon Knights to create a remastered version of the original MGS game with the feel of MGS2. The result is The Twin Snakes and it was launched on the Nintendo GameCube in March 2004. The original MGS game has been redefined for the 21st century.
After MGS2's success, Kojima and the company made a sequel of Zone of the Enders in 2003. Titled ANUBIS ZONE OF THE ENDERS, players assumed the role of a new character named Dingo, who reawakened the dormant Orbital Frame Jehuty and is now drawn into an all-out war. Featuring new and exciting weapons, a thrilling storyline, and a memorable cast of characters, this anime robot action game blows the original ZOE game by a long shot but only just.
After MGS and ZOE, Kojima decided to make another franchise that is more appealing to a much younger audience, and the result is Bokura no Taiyou. Launched in the GameBoy Advance in 2003, this game pits the role of a young vampire hunter named Django, who must harness the power of the sun to defeat vampires that lurk through the night. It is the only game that uses solar-enhanced gameplay where players take advantage of the sun in real-time to defeat vampires.
A year later, the sequel game, Zoku Bokura no Taiyou ~Taiyou Shonen Django~ was unveiled on the Game Boy Advance and it features new and exciting weapons to master while players can take advantage of the sun in real-time to defeat new enemies.
Having enjoyed the first two MGS games, many fans are wondering who in the world is Big Boss and in response, Hideo Kojima decided to create Big Boss' origin story set in the Cold War era. Titled Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater, it was launched on the PlayStation2 in late 2004 and it centers on Big Boss' origins under the codename Naked Snake as he's on a mission to eliminate his mentor, The Boss, and destroy the Shagohod in an all-out effort to prove America's innocence following a nuclear attack on Soviet soil. The Subsistence game, launched a year later, not only offered the uncut story of Snake Eater but also a cutscene gallery, the original Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 games, and for the first time, Metal Gear Online where players can battle against the world in series of online multiplayer games.
Still, at the end of 2004, another Metal Gear spinoff was made and it's titled METAL GEAR AC!D, a turn-based strategy card game on the PSP where players collect cards and battle enemies as Snake and Teliko. A year later, the sequel titled METAL GEAR AC!D 2 was launched and it features new cards on the list as Snake and new character Venus taking on new enemies and a new Metal Gear hiding under the shadows. It even comes with new features such as a mode where they can battle the bosses from the Metal Gear saga, and 3D movies that can be viewable via their complimentary 3D scope.
Back to Bokura no Taiyou, the third sequel of the game titled Shin Bokura no Taiyou ~Gyakushou no Sabata~ was launched in 2005 and this installment features new and exciting games to enjoy as well as taking advantage of two new forms, light and darkness, to defeat new and nefarious foes.
In 2006, Bokura no Taiyou is now on Nintendo DS in a new game; Bokura no Taiyou DS Django & Sabata. This installment allows players to play as Django and Sabata on a quest to save the world from the powerful vampire legion. This game allows players to master new abilities in addition to Django's light powers and Sabata's dark powers, allowing them to turn the tide of the battle.
In the same year, the Metal Gear Solid comic books adapted by the folks from IDW landed on the PSP as METAL GEAR SOLID BANDE DESSINEE. In this Digital Graphic Novel, readers can enjoy a cinematic take on the MGS comic book adaptation with designs penned by Ashley Wood.
Sticking at the PSP, the story of Big Boss after Snake Eater continues in Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops. Launched in late 2006, MPO allows players to recruit different kinds of soldiers and sneak their way through the San Hieronymo Peninsula, where Snake, Roy Campbell, and others are uncovering a new conspiracy that will turn the tide of the Cold War drastically. A standalone Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops + was launched a year later, allowing players to recruit new types of soldiers and use them on single-player Infinity Missions and multiplayer games.
On June 12, 2008, the biggest Metal Gear Solid adventure exploded into action as Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots was launched on the PlayStation3. Featuring a new and returning cast from the Metal Gear saga, Old Snake ventures around the globe to uncover Liquid Ocelot's grand conspiracy and put a stop to it, whatever it takes. This game features a large roster of weapons and items to collect, downloadable content to further enjoy the MGS4 experience, and of course, the return of Metal Gear Online where players can create their own characters and jump into the action.
Following MGS4's blockbuster success, the folks from Kojima Productions decided that they wanted to keep the franchise rolling so they launched METAL GEAR SOLID 2 BANDE DESSINEE on DVD. Based on the MGS2 graphic novel, it features a cinematic take on the said comic book adaptation featuring the game's voice cast.
The story of Solid Snake is ended on Guns of the Patriots but Big Boss's story continues so they decided to focus on the prequel saga just like how George Lucas did with Star Wars. In April 2010, they launched Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker on the PSP and this installment continues Naked Snake's story as he and his soldiers, along with his trusted ally Kaz Miller are in Costa Rica, dealing with a new kind of conspiracy lurking on the so-called nation without a military. This game allows players to recruit soldiers using the Fulton Recovery System and the more they recruit, the more Mother Base will grow. In addition to the soldiers they've collected, they can capture vehicles and then use them on Outer Ops, and also, by taking down AI weapons such as the Pupa, Chrysalis, and the Cocoon, they can gain valuable stuff to create Metal Gear Zeke.
After Peace Walker's success, Hideo Kojima joined forces with mercurysteam to revive the legendary Castlevania franchise in a new way. Castlevania -Lords of Shadow- was launched on the PS3 and Xbox 360 on December 16, 2010. In this new take on the classic franchise, players battle through countless forces of darkness as Gabriel Belmont, a warrior who tries to fight through the depths of hell to bring back his beloved one.
Feeling bored and having nothing to do in their spare time, Hideo Kojima and the gang decided to give older titles a fresh new lease on life so they decided to make HD EDITIONS MGS2, MGS3, and MGS Peace Walker not just for the PlayStation3 but on the Xbox 360 as well. The Peace Walker HD Edition went on sale on the 10th of November, 2011 and it allows players to use the Transfarring feature to carry over their PSP game progress to the HD Edition and then back and forth.
The METAL GEAR SOLID HD Edition was launched on the 23rd of November and it wasn't long before the PS Vita version was launched in June 28, 2012, allowing players to use the Transfarring feature to continue their gameplay on the go.
Because there's so much life over Big Boss' origin story, the Snake Eater game gets a 3DS version launched on the 8th of March, 2012 under the METAL GEAR SOLID SNAKE EATER 3D. This game takes advantage of the 3DS' 3D feature which brings life to the Snake Eater story.
Feeling bored and having nothing to do in their spare time, Hideo Kojima and the gang decided to give older titles a fresh new lease on life so they decided to make HD EDITIONS MGS2, MGS3, and MGS Peace Walker not just for the PlayStation3 but on the Xbox 360 as well. The Peace Walker HD Edition went on sale on the 10th of November, 2011 and it allows players to use the Transfarring feature to carry over their PSP game progress to the HD Edition and then back and forth.
The METAL GEAR SOLID HD Edition was launched on the 23rd of November and it wasn't long before the PS Vita version was launched in June 28, 2012, allowing players to use the Transfarring feature to continue their gameplay on the go.
Because there's so much life over Big Boss' origin story, the Snake Eater game gets a 3DS version launched on the 8th of March, 2012 under the METAL GEAR SOLID SNAKE EATER 3D. This game takes advantage of the 3DS' 3D feature which brings life to the Snake Eater story.
In the fall of 2012, two Zone of the Enders games received an HD Edition on the PS3 and Xbox 360, and man, Jehuty never looked so better on 1080p.
On February 21, 2013, Kojima Productions teamed up with Platinum Games, makers of hardcore action games such as Bayonetta, Vanquish, and Max Anarchy, to create Metal Gear Rising Revengeance exclusively on the Playstation3. In this spinoff, Raiden is on a cross-country adventure to exact revenge on those who destroyed him. From the ruined Eastern Europe village, the sewers of Mexico, the streets of Denver, all the way to the climax at an air base in Pakistan featuring a final boss that is so over 9000% of course, Rising is a hack-and-slash game that adds insanity to the Metal Gear franchise, not to mention the wickedly insane soundtrack that sounds like it came from Sonic.
With news emerging that Hideo Kojima announced that their next METAL GEAR SOLID game will be open-world, the world rejoiced in an uproar to give them the taste of the open-world MGS as well as the newly developed FOX ENGINE, they've launched Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes, which served as the prologue of The Phantom Pain. Launched on the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One on the 20th of March, 2014, Ground Zeroes sees Big Boss infiltrating a base camp in Cuba in search of Chico and Paz in the aftermath of the Peace Walker incident.
After Ground Zeroes demonstrated the full power of the FOX ENGINE and open-world gaming, it wasn't long until they unveiled Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain to the world in September 2015. Awakened after a near-decade coma, Venom Snake teams up with his right-hand ally Miller, his former rival Ocelot, and his Diamond Dogs army to bring revenge against XOF. In The Phantom Pain, players can recruit soldiers to expand and secure the Mother Base, research new weapons, deploy on dispatch missions, infiltrate other players' FOBs for bigger rewards, and take advantage of the Buddy System that will make missions more efficient. With The Phantom Pain enjoyed a blockbuster success, it is sadly the last Metal Gear game Kojima ever made and with that, Hideo Kojima left Konami for good, his old Kojima Productions dissolved, and his crew went to separate ways. The rest is history.
Three months later, Kojima Productions was reborn as a standalone company, and moments later, they announced their first project under the now-independent production team; a sci-fi action-adventure game titled Death Stranding, starring The Walking Dead's Norman Reedus, Hannibal's Mads Mikkelsen, Bond Girl Lea Seydoux, and Lindsay Wagner. Launched on November 8, 2019, Death Stranding is about a transporter named Sam Porter Bridges, played by Norman Reedus, who's on a mission to reconnect humanity from the brink of extinction by delivering cargo to clients while keeping an eye out on numerous threats such as the BT and the M.U.L.E.
And there you have it, the best of Hideo Kojima's works from Metal Gear to Death Stranding while everyone's enjoying his latest masterpiece, rest assured that the greatest hits from Hideo Kojima's career as a brilliant creator will not go unnoticed and such legends deserved more than being kept in the cardboard box of memories - pun intended. From Snake, Gillian Seed, Jonathan Ingram, Jehuty, Django, Gabriel Belmont, and now Sam Porter Bridges, Hideo Kojima will forever be immortalized as one of the all-time gaming greats and that is the bottom line.
Death Stranding is now available exclusively on the PlayStation4.
On February 21, 2013, Kojima Productions teamed up with Platinum Games, makers of hardcore action games such as Bayonetta, Vanquish, and Max Anarchy, to create Metal Gear Rising Revengeance exclusively on the Playstation3. In this spinoff, Raiden is on a cross-country adventure to exact revenge on those who destroyed him. From the ruined Eastern Europe village, the sewers of Mexico, the streets of Denver, all the way to the climax at an air base in Pakistan featuring a final boss that is so over 9000% of course, Rising is a hack-and-slash game that adds insanity to the Metal Gear franchise, not to mention the wickedly insane soundtrack that sounds like it came from Sonic.
With news emerging that Hideo Kojima announced that their next METAL GEAR SOLID game will be open-world, the world rejoiced in an uproar to give them the taste of the open-world MGS as well as the newly developed FOX ENGINE, they've launched Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes, which served as the prologue of The Phantom Pain. Launched on the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One on the 20th of March, 2014, Ground Zeroes sees Big Boss infiltrating a base camp in Cuba in search of Chico and Paz in the aftermath of the Peace Walker incident.
After Ground Zeroes demonstrated the full power of the FOX ENGINE and open-world gaming, it wasn't long until they unveiled Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain to the world in September 2015. Awakened after a near-decade coma, Venom Snake teams up with his right-hand ally Miller, his former rival Ocelot, and his Diamond Dogs army to bring revenge against XOF. In The Phantom Pain, players can recruit soldiers to expand and secure the Mother Base, research new weapons, deploy on dispatch missions, infiltrate other players' FOBs for bigger rewards, and take advantage of the Buddy System that will make missions more efficient. With The Phantom Pain enjoyed a blockbuster success, it is sadly the last Metal Gear game Kojima ever made and with that, Hideo Kojima left Konami for good, his old Kojima Productions dissolved, and his crew went to separate ways. The rest is history.
Three months later, Kojima Productions was reborn as a standalone company, and moments later, they announced their first project under the now-independent production team; a sci-fi action-adventure game titled Death Stranding, starring The Walking Dead's Norman Reedus, Hannibal's Mads Mikkelsen, Bond Girl Lea Seydoux, and Lindsay Wagner. Launched on November 8, 2019, Death Stranding is about a transporter named Sam Porter Bridges, played by Norman Reedus, who's on a mission to reconnect humanity from the brink of extinction by delivering cargo to clients while keeping an eye out on numerous threats such as the BT and the M.U.L.E.
And there you have it, the best of Hideo Kojima's works from Metal Gear to Death Stranding while everyone's enjoying his latest masterpiece, rest assured that the greatest hits from Hideo Kojima's career as a brilliant creator will not go unnoticed and such legends deserved more than being kept in the cardboard box of memories - pun intended. From Snake, Gillian Seed, Jonathan Ingram, Jehuty, Django, Gabriel Belmont, and now Sam Porter Bridges, Hideo Kojima will forever be immortalized as one of the all-time gaming greats and that is the bottom line.
Death Stranding is now available exclusively on the PlayStation4.
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