Monday, August 12, 2019

DTM 2019 - Brands Hatch

Great Britain is facing a lot of uncertainties because of the imminent Brexit deadline this fall but that doesn't mean that the DTM will have one last blast at Britain's Brands Hatch before Brexit as the two-race weekend in the country due to leave the European Union this fall shows they can bring out the best of DTM to the British public before Brexit tears the British motorsport fans apart.

Screengrab: DTM

In the first race of the DTM Brands Hatch race, the last DTM Brands Hatch race before Brexit, sees Marco Wittmann winning the race while Rene Rast's in 2nd place and Nico Mueller's in 3rd place. In the second race, meanwhile, Rene Rast, whose lead in the leaderboard narrowed by Wittmann's win in the previous day, dominated Brands Hatch ahead of Nico Mueller and Robin Frijns.


Brexit might be upon us but that DTM race at Brands Hatch reminds us that a global motorsport like this will forever stamped in the tracks of Britain, no matter the outcome.

The next DTM event will be at Lausitzring on the 23rd to the 25th of August.

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