If you're in the Philippines and you have reached the end of May, you have already reached the last weekend of your Summer vacation before school starts this 3rd of June. It's a shame but before the first day of school kicks off next week, now is the ideal time to do some last-minute fun on the outdoors doing whatever you want to do but if you are setting off on your last road trip of the summer vacation, be sure to pack up with another batch of Driving Music - car commercial songs - to make your final trip memorable.
1) Right and Left by Survive Said The Prophet - from the Honda Shuttle commercial
2) In My Blood by Shawn Mendes - from the Honda Odyssey Hybrid commercial
3) Do Well by SIRUP - from the Honda Vezel commercial
4) What's Going On by Marvin Gaye - from the Mitsubishi Diamante commercial
5) I Feel Love by Vanessa Mae - from the Kia Shuma commercial
6) Legend by The Score - from the Ford Truck Month commercial
7) Let It Happen by Tame Impala - from the Ford Edge commercial
8) It Will Follow the Rain by The Tallest Man on Earth - from the Infiniti QX50 commercial
9) Dura by Daddy Yankee - from the Honda StepWGN Spada commercial
10) デウス by B'z - from the Suzuki Escudo commercial
Driving Music from Leopaul's Blog is the segment where solves every car enthusiasts' questions about the title of the song of car commercials...with the risk of MATCHED THIRD PARTY CONTENT on their status. It's your jam. Drive to the Music You Love.
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