
Sunday, August 26, 2018

Arizona Senator John McCain passed away at age 81

John McCain, a decorated war hero, a two-time presidential candidate for the Republican party, and a longtime senator in the state of Arizona, passed away at the age of 81.

McCain is a naval bomber pilot who struggled his life when he was a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War. When he landed his political status four decades ago, he was known for his outlandish views from his fellow Republicans. He competed for the presidency twice and was beaten by George W. Bush and ultimately Barack Obama.

He was once slammed by Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election for not considering McCain as a war hero because he had been captured and since then, McCain is one of the few Republicans who stand up to President Trump himself. He even draw flak on Trump's meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in July, calling it "one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory."

His outlandish attitude towards his own party as well as his struggle for survival during the Vietnam War and his failed presidency attempts will be remembered in the history of the United States.


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