
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

THREATS FROM NORTH KOREA: SoKor warns of NoKor provocations as U.S. navy group approaches

South Korean acting president warned of "greater provocations" by North Korea as tension on the Korean peninsula rises over concern the North may conduct a test of its military hardware in coming days.

The US Navy strike group led by a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is en route to the western Pacific with talk of military action by the United States gaining traction following its strikes last week against Syria.

Hwang Kyo-ahn, the South Korean acting leader, ordered the military to intensify monitoring on the North's activities and to ensure close communication with the United States.

Meanwhile, the Malaysian government should investigate the possible transfer of funds to North Korea’s leadership, according to a deputy home minister after reports told that the head of the Malaysian conglomerate had for years funnelled cash to Pyongyang.

Reports cited a North Korean defector as saying that Han Hun Il, the North Korean founding chief executive of Malaysia Korea Partners, had funnelled money to Pyongyang’s leadership, the central committee of the ruling Workers’ Party, for the past two decades.

The MKP's bank subsidiary in Pyongyang is also under investigation by the United Nations for possible violations of sanctions barring foreign companies from setting up joint ventures with, or taking an ownership interest in, North Korean banks.

Source: Reuters

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