Being behind the wheel in one of the most extreme offroaders made in the country which is now remembered for being the first nation to get out of the European Union after a majority vote, the Bowler EXR S still packs a lot of dirt to get through points A to Z, something that even the world's mightiest supercars can't come across. With offroaders like the Bowler EXR S becoming the offroad equivalent of a Ferrari, drivers behind the wheel see this car as a challenge to see if they got what it takes to break its limits by any means necessary. For me, I can hardly imagine what is like to drive in series of games that involves physical contact or as what Forza fans affectionately called them; Flagzilla, Tagzilla, and Kingzilla.

Glad you asked because by the time I used this car in a series in games in terms of Forzathon-related challenges everyone's gunning for time-limited prizes, those games offer one kind of torture after another, giving me some anxiety to think twice before clearing those challenges, regardless of my position. Whether if its a game of Infection, King, or Flag Rush, those who are aftering me are using every trick to the book to make my experience a lot more miserable. There's the surprise attack, the slipstream, the roadblock, the ambush. any kind of tactic that will hunt me down like a thief on a night.
Still, no matter what chaos I got myself into, I'm glad that I drove the Bowler EXR S because it remains one of the most extreme offroaders in history and with its supercharged Jaguar V8 engine roaring through all four wheels, I knew that is one loud offroader with a heart of comedy gold.
Wait, did I said "loud"? Speaking of which, I prepped up a little something for the loudest offroader from Great Britain and you will be quite surprised so see what I made out of...

So, enough of the tease? Well, here it is...

Surprised?! I know it looks childish but that is why I themed it after that new cartoon show I loved, it's Nickelodeon's The Loud House! Specifically, I chose the new show's main character, Lincoln Loud, to make this theme because it suits rather well. After all, like Lincoln, it managed to duck, dodge, push, and shove its way to bag whatever prizes they offered per Forzathon event, even the Halo Warthog I got since last month. To honor how great the Bowler is, I took it out on an event to see how it performs. So (ahem), how about those Republicans? (Horn blows)
Wait, did I said something?

That Bowler sure knows how to bring a fire in me like a Bowling Gold. You know, the cigarette they called Bowling Gold but it's been an honor to drive one of Bowler's greatest hits by any means necessary and if the man behind this company is with us, he would be smiling on me upon driving the EXR S. Either way, it sure knows how to duck, dodge, push, and show, just show its love to the offroad enthusiasts and they wouldn't want it any other way because this is how an extreme offroader always behaves and looks. Alright, everyone, let's go back to the festival.
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