
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

THREATS FROM NORTH KOREA: UNSC won't issue N.Korea statement

Sourced from NHK World:

The member countries of the United Nations Security Council have failed to agree to issue a statement condemning North Korea's ballistic missile launch, due to Chinese opposition.

North Korea fired what are believed to be 2 Rodong-type medium-range ballistic missiles last Wednesday. One of them apparently flew about 1,000 kilometers east, and landed within Japan's exclusive economic zone about 250 kilometers off Akita Prefecture.

Japan called an emergency Security Council meeting to discuss the matter. UN diplomatic sources say the United States presented a draft press statement criticizing the launches. But China is reportedly reluctant to endorse such a statement.

Other Security Council members that have criticized the missile firings are also suggesting that they want to avoid sending the wrong message to North Korea.

Other diplomatic sources say China's foot-dragging reflects its strong opposition to the deployment of an advanced US missile interceptor system, called THAAD, in South Korea.

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