Friday, August 28, 2015

The Flor de Liza finale

Over the final days of ABS-CBN's afternoon drama, we've witnessed how the story reaches its climax in a more dramatic fashion. We saw Ida spent her final days of her life, we saw Teacher Daisy plans her final attack to kidnap Flor, and how Crisanto risked everything to save Flor and Liza from Teacher Daisy's the cost of Flor's life.

In the finale, everyone prays to bring Flor back as she's currently hospitalized. While she was hospitalized, she saw her mother in her dreams and with the two reunited, Flor wants to be with her mom for good but Ida said Flor's not ready to join her because there are others in need of her, even for Liza despite her sinister efforts of getting rid of Flor for several moments.

After spending moments with her mother, Ida, Liza woke up and everyone, including Liza, are very happy to see Flor returned to life. Back home, everything's in peace now.

The story ends with Flor and Liza spending time at the beach as they hoped for while Ida narrates that everything ends but not for what we do for our loved ones.

This concludes the story of Flor de Liza.

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