Sunday, March 23, 2014

Wow Mali Pa Rin! - 3/23/2014

On the March 23, 2014 episode of Wow Mali Pa Rin!

- BOY EPAL - This guy's ruining your conversations...even when he's not talking on you!

- MAGIC LAMAY - Is the coffin of a once-died magician (?)...make you hypnotized?

- In this week's JOEY'S ANGELS, we see if a blind guy gets an eye candy out of a babe...and puts the blame on other people.

- In this week's ANAK NG FU, Mr. Fu issues a challenge to those two men to see if they can score the most "holding hands while WOW MALI!"

- In this week's KRISSY IDEAS, Krissy teaches us how to pull the "balloon cake" prank on anyone's birthday party!

- BALLOON CAKE - Time for a slice of POP! In your face!

- GHOST 'TO MO BANG MATAKOT? - As tradition has it, Wow Mali still gets some scare tactics on unexpected people...

Why did you do that to me!

- SINO SHOCK? - A fun-ruining clown ruins a good party...until he literally ruined the party!

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