Monday, January 6, 2014

The Geekdom's Guide to Sugar Peas

Sugar Peas!

When Catbug appears holding Sugar Peas, Danny says DROP 'EM! Catbug says OKAY! Anyone saw this? Yes, this is just one of the memorable moments from Bravest Warriors, although I'm not so sure how does sugar peas taste like and neither ate one...

Sugar to make one...simple really! Ask your parents to buy one of those to make one but for recommendation, we like to serve it with peas on a pod. A round pea only won't do its magic so it's best to stick with the peas on a pod.

With them around, best to cook with your heart's content. After cooking, be sure to add some sugar on it because by the name "sugar peas", it has to be sweet.

After minutes later, sugar peas is ready to serve in the bowl. If you're dressing as a Catbug...which is impossible for us because he's a critter and mascot trickery takes an expert level. But still, one bowl of sugar peas is enough to let your mate saying "DROP 'EM!"

Sugar peas...tastes so sweet, makes you drop it and say okay!

The geekdom's guide to sugar peas.

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