Friday, July 5, 2013

Threats from North Korea - A Week in Review (July 6, 2013)

And now, the week in review of what's what at the Korean peninsula...

July 1, 2013

- In Brunei, the venue of this year's ASEAN Regional Forum, China says the now-stalled six-party denuclearization talks - involving the US, China, Japan, Russian, North Korea, and South Korea, are important to create a nuclear-free Korean peninsula.

- South Korean foreign minister Yoon Byung-sae held his first one-on-one talks with his Japanese counterpart, Fumio Kishida, on the sidelines of this year's ASEAN Regional Forum.

July 2, 2013

- In Brunei, the venue of this year's ASEAN Regional Forum, a North Korean representative spoke up about his nation's nuclear program.

- North Korea is pushing ahead with its diplomatic efforts to keep China and Russia, its allies, on its side following the bilateral summit between President Park and Chinese president Xi Jinping last week.

July 3, 2013

-South Korea and North Korea are back on its hotline channels.

- One day after a landmark vote that gave lawmakers the right to review a full transcript of the 2007 inter-Korean summit, lawmakers begun the local procedures.

July 4, 2013

- South and North Korea agreed to hold working-level talks this weekend on reopening the Kaesong complex that was suspended for nearly three months.

- North Korea's nuclear issue was at the top of the agenda during the 2-plus-2 talks between South Korea and Australia

July 5, 2013

- South Korea's ruling and opposition parties expressed their hopes that both North and South Korea would reach an agreement at their weekend working-level talks to repoen the shuttered Kaesong complex in North Korea.

- South Korean president Park Geun-hye's plan for regional development is finally picking up steam. More than 160 project will be implemented to fulfill her 106 detailed pledges for 15 regional districts in Korea.

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