
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Threats from North Korea - A Week in Review (May 25, 2013)

And now, the week in review of what's what at the Korean peninsula...

May 20, 2013

- North Korea fired two short-range missiles into the East Sea, marking the third straight day of launches. North Korea has launched a total of six short-range missiles in the past three days, including three on Saturday and one on Sunday. It claimed the firing as a "normal military exercise".

-South Korean companies affected by the Kaesong complex closure are urging the South Korean government to approve a trip to the North this week.

- China's Foreign Ministry confirmed that North Korea hijacked a Chinese fishing boat earlier this month...creating a new source of tension in the already strained ties between the two long-time allies.

May 21, 2013

- North Korea claims it was exercising its right to hold legitimate military drills when it test-fired six short-range missiles over the past three days.

- Seoul has once again urged Pyongyang to respond to its proposal for talks on the shuttered Kaesong complex.

- South Korea is seeking to resume talks on a free trade deal with Russia.

- US President Barack Obama and Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping will sit down for two days of talks early next month in the U.S. state of California for the first time since Xi assumed his post in March.

May 22, 2013

- South Korean president Park Geun-Hye warned North Korea that Seoul and Washington will make no concessions nor provide aid to the communist state...should it choose to create tension on the Korean peninsula.

- North Korea sent a special envoy to Beijing for talks. The meeting was with Wang Jiarui - head of the ruling Communist Party's International Department...and also the point man for China on contacts with North Korea.

May 23, 2013

- North Korea invited a South Korean civic group to jointly organize a ceremony marking the 13th anniversary of a landmark inter-Korean declaration signed on June 15, 2000.

May 24, 2013

- A North Korean envoy finally met with Chinese President Xi Jinping this evening. This NoKor envoy reportedly delivered a handwritten letter from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at the Great Hall of the People of Beijing.

- The attack on the South Korean warship Cheonan back in the spotlight...on the third anniversary of a trade embargo imposed on the North Korea after the incident.

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