
Saturday, May 4, 2013

The fat and the furriest

Now everytime when normal people wanted to get rid of fat, their only hope for weight loss is by exercise, proper diet, weight loss pills, so on, so forth. But in 2008, the year when The Doctor (who was David Tennant back then) and Donna Noble reunited for Season 4 of BBC Doctor Who, the only thing they remember on the Season 4 episode titled "Partners in Crime" was those cute little critters called Adipose. These "adiposes" were made out of human fat and whoever took a ominous weight-loss pills distributed by some sinister company called Adipose Industries may get their lives dissolved into several adiposes.

No matter how old you'd watched that episode several times, in case you had the Doctor Who Season 4 DVD with you, you'd promised yourself that "it's okay to be fat" as long as you're thinking that you had a bunch of super cute aliens lurking in your body. Your main confession as a Whovian is when every time when someone mentions a new diet, you think of these guys. So, if every Whovians says awwww to the super cute but incredibly deadly critties, why would anyone want to have one at home? Tsk. Many had tried to make fanmade Adipose plushies for keeps but due to interests, a toymaker named Underground Toys took the memo and made one of these...

And this might do the trick. This is the genuine, the proper, the handcrafted, Adipose plushie from Underground Toys and it's a huggable one because it was modeled after the actual Adipose creature as seen on the 2008 season of Doctor Who.

At first glance though, it kinda looks like an enlarged marshmallow. Looks like it came from another world filled with cute aliens. Anyway, forget about that and about this stuff toy.

Every single piece of this stuff toy is an inch perfect and as for me, this is the "only" proper Adipose plushie for those who want to want a snuggle, a hug, and a kiss with these critters made out of human fat. Well, forget about the kissing part but you get the idea.

Scanning with The Eleventh's sonic...

Now this little critter's taking the sonic...

We asked P&F about this and the only reply I'm having was... "Well it was definitely cuter than the Meap"

Meap? Never mind but still, the Adipose is much more cuter than Meap.

Welcome to Fat Heaven!

The Adipose in my workspace.

So, there you have it folks. That's everything I have to know about this super cute creature from BBC Doctor Who. All I can say is that this is the best plushie I ever had not only because it's cute on the outside but this is just inch ahead of being a Whovian. If you ever see one of those Adipose plushies on sale, be sure to buy one of these and give those critters made of human fat some good hugging.

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