
Monday, February 4, 2013

The best SB47 ads according to Yahoo Sports

In the midst of a temporary blackout that shook the Mercedes-Benz Superdome at New Orleans, it seems that the triumphant win of Baltimore Ravens against the San Francisco 49ers really shook the USA by storm. Sure, I do like Beyonce's Halftime Show concert but the Game Day commercials is what really captures us. There are some good ones, some bad ones, and some great ones as well

Ads include but not limited to a bond between man and horse, wishes (by upcoming RAV4 or by Bud Light), an epic day with the Santa Fe Long Body (which I am unsure if this one's going to be on sale in Korea soon but let's hope), getting up and be happy, the Doritos Goat, seniors acting like youngsters, a whisper fight, the next big thing from Samsung, the Miracle Stain discovered by the 49ers fan, the most powerful ads from Chrysler Group LLC, and many others.

Yahoo! Sports listed the best and worst ads of the Super Bowl XLVII and let's start with the best...

The best SB47 ads:

1) Budweiser Clydesdales "Brotherhood" commercial - this ad really made us cry...

2) NFL "Leon Sandcastle" ad

3) Jeep "Whole Again" ad - once again, Chrysler Group LLC really show some power with their newest ads and this one's really touching. It honors American troops as we speak...

4) Ram Trucks "Farmer" ad - another one of Chrysler Group LLC's most powerful Game Day ads I have ever seen.

5) Samsung "The Next Big Thing" ad - Definitely one of the funniest and the coolest Game Day ads from Samsung. How can you talk about Super Bowl without talking about the Super Bowl? Just ask those guys...

6) Hyundai Santa Fe Epic Playdate with The Flaming Lips - With the help of The Flaming Lips, this family made the best adventures ever in a day!

7) Mercedes-Benz CLA-Class "Soul" ad - Would you trade your soul for a new CLA-Class?

8) Tide "Miracle Stain" ad - A Miracle Stain that resembles Joe Montana's face was discovered by a 49ers fan. Too bad his wife's a Ravens fan. Pun intended...

9) Iron Man 3 trailer - Don't miss this Summer blockbuster!

10) Best Buy "Asking Amy" ad - Comedian Amy Poehler ask questions, Best Buy has the answers...

11) Toyota RAV4 "Wish Granted" commercial - What would you wish for in the new RAV4?

12) GoDaddy's "" ad

13) Star Trek Into Darkness trailer - I'm glad Sherlock's Benedict Cumberbatch is joining on that film as the bad guy...

14) The Doritos Goat ad - If your goat loves Doritos, it just won't stop!

The Worst SB47 ads:

1) GoDaddy "Sexy meets Smart" ad

2) Budweiser Black Crown "Coronation" ad

3) Audi "Prom" ad - Bravery wins? Not in here it ain't...

4) Hyundai Santa Fe "Team" ad - Getting a team of brave kids is no easy task and I still don't get about this ad...

5) Pepsi Next "Party" ad

6) Oreo "Whisper Fight" ad - This ad laughed me a lot...

7) Hyundai Sonata "Stuck" ad

8) Coca-Cola "mirage" ad - Sorry folks but the Coke Showgirls took the Coke...

9) Volkswagen "Get In, Get Happy" commercial

10) Doritos "Fashionista Daddy" commercial

11) Taco Bell "Viva Young" ad - Seniors just wanna have fun

12) Century 21 "Wedding" ad

13) e*Trade "Save It" ad - The E*TRADE Baby plans for something big time if he's saving some cash...

14) Axe Apollo "lifeguard" ad - Nothing compares to an astronaut approaching the lady...

15) Speed Stick "Unattended Laundry" ad

16) Mio "Change" ad - Tracy Morgan speaks America's change for sports drink

17) Kia Forte "Hot Bots" ad

18) Gildan "Favorite T-shirt" ad

19) Pistachios "Gangnam Style" ad - CRACKIN GANGNAM STYLE....?!


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