Sigh....After a whole day spending several hours at the Super Bowl yesterday, looks like more are still figuring out which of the Super Bowl 47 ads are the best. Since this Driving Music segment is so special, I'll be tackling Game Day-related car commercial songs, songs that you've heard at certain game-day car commercials and instead of just five, I'll be listing the songs heard in Game Day car commercials. Ready? Go!
1) Sympathy for the Devil by Rolling Stones - from the Mercedes-Benz USA CLA-Class "Soul" Game Day ad
2) Metal Health by Quiet Riot from the Hyundai Santa Fe "Team" Game Day ad
3) Sun Blows Up Today by Flaming Lips - from the Hyundai Santa Fe "Epic Play Date" Game Day ad
4) I Wish by Skee-lo - from the Toyota USA RAV4 "Wish Granted" Game Day ad
5) Come On Get Happy by Jimmy Cliff - from the VW USA "Get Happy" Game Day ad
6) Can't Win Em All by Hanni El Khatib - from the Audi USA "Prom" Game Day ad
...huh guess I can only do six driving songs from Game Day car ads....oh well, good luck finding those songs and relieve the moments!
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