
Monday, December 24, 2012

Torchwood: Exodus Code

Torchwood: Exodus Code
It seems that the whole Torchwood legacy lives on in forms of novelization but despite this kind of shift, fans of the venerable Doctor Who spin-off about a secret organization investigating alien activities at the expensive of a Torchwood operative's life. That show appeared on BBC since 2006, with a second chapter unfold in 2008, 5-part Children of Earth mini-series in 2009, and then USA's Starz aired the Miracle Day arc in 2011 because the American Whovians think that Torchwood is cool because it's like CSI and The X Files combined.

This is the latest Torchwood novel and at last, actor John Barrowman and his sister Carole managed to tame this latest Torchwood mission (via novelization) with some thrills about earthquakes and a mass hysteria happening to the world's female population. In Exodus Code, the world's been battered down by super strong earthquakes and then the world's female population gone mass hysteria, resulting to a twitter trending topic worldwide; #realfemmefatales. The key to salvation against this impending doom caused by these series of unfortunate events is a secret organization known as Torchwood but sadly, there isn't enough Torchwood left because the last two surviving members; Gwen Cooper who was investigating an alien activity somewhere in Cardiff, and Captain Jack Harkness, who was in Peru in search for the source of this mass hysteria.

To save the world, Gwen has to warn Jack about this but she became a victim to this mass hysteria, now what twist involved in this novel here. It seems that the Exodus Code novel really does pack twisted plots that really made readers sweating with tense. If I read one of these, all those thick plots delving somewhere in this book really gave me the anxiety. I may never know what comes next because by the next time I've read a suprisingly mental plot, it really gives me a painful aftertaste. So painful, I can't even describe a word about this whole Exodus Code story but still this is a good book for the Whovians who became fans of Torchwood. I just can't find any book that is as scary and as tense as this.

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