
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Forza Horizon: A Noble Car about Colorado

This Noble ain't BOVVERED

I had to admit that the Noble M600 is one of my favorite hypercars in Horizon, probably because of its stronger power-to-weight ratio than the standard Veyron but there's something more than that. It feels like Donna, Lauren, Nan, and Nellie gather together in the same restaurant, chattering about anything tater-totter stuff and yes, it's the Noble that does the tater stuff.

It goes something like this...



...or this...


or whatever "Insert CT Joke Here" comes in my mind but me and the Noble M600 in Horizon, we have the best of times, like the Tate-Tennant tandem that I sometimes don't really like probably because it's like a young lad together with some middle aged ginger lady who was twice of his age. EWWWW.... Glad I didn't like their take on MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING because for me, they're not a perfect chemistry. Nah, just kidding. Probably because of the fans.

The more I'm driving the Noble, the more I'm starting to insert some CT references here...words like BOVVERED or OI, WATCH IT SPACEMAN, or whatever this middle-aged ginger just said on the telly. Who knows, I could be putting up some Noble Works references here. Better shut myself up and be content with this Noble work done by such a Noble car with a Noble heart. Hey Nonny Nonny!

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