Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Leopaul's Heaven and Hell: Why do parasites keep tailing my back?

As a techie who spent four years at blogging, I thought that blogging is all fun and games to me because I tend to discuss the latest and the hottest trends and share it to everyone in the world. However, blogging is NOT the easiest thing to do on the internet. First, you have to pick the right audience and then you have to pick the right article for them to read.

One of those things that drove me up the wall here on my blog are the parasites, pests, or vermins that keep attacking or infesting my blog, which is like a computer virus that if prolonged may cause some serious troubles.

Such examples to those pests who kept attacking not just my blog but my analytics were those pests who spent most of the time about car repairs. What is like when some piece of s*** trying to f**k me with queries like for instance replacement for some f****** timing thingy on his/her car, what are the problems of a new model, how to remove audio, engine knock, and the list goes on and on and on and on....

As I told for millions of times, my blog DOES NOT involve car repairs. Do I need to explain that for the million and one time? MY BLOG IS NOT INVOLVED ON CAR MAINTENANCE! Is it clear or do I need to repeat my statement for the 1,000,002th time?! You're making me as sick as hell. SICK AS HELL, you got me?!

Another thing that really irritates me is when idiots can't distinguish between a search engine and a chat box. What the idiots done is turning a search engine into a chat box or comment box and when I checked on my analytics, it was like "WHY DON'T YOU POST A COMMENT YOU LUMP OF S***?!!" This is happening all the time, I can see why there is not even a single comment in my post because they spent time turning Google into a comment or chat box. When will you learn how to post a comment on my site? Come on, it's not that hard!

Also, one such case is some ASEANs trying to obsess with a Japanese minivan that in reality is not available! A-holes...Those a**holes never learned do they? Big M********** a**holes! I'm very pity that why are these trends continue to harvest.

Don't you know what that means? Oh wait, if I post this one and if there's anyone offended, this could be EMERGENCY PROGRAM ONE and yes, I really mean the Doctor Who kind of EMERGENCY PROGRAM ONE. It means that we're in grave danger and I could die or I'm facing death right now but that's okay. EMERGENCY PROGRAM ONE means I'm facing an enemy that they should never ever get their hands on my blog. Whatever you do, let my blog die. Just let this worthless blog gather bugs. No one can access it, no one can even read it. Let it become a bogus blog site made by some worthless human being. And over the years, the world will move on and this blog will be buried. And if you want to remember me, then you can do one thing. That's all. One thing.

Do me a favor readers...Terms like car clubs, bikes, modified cars, car maintenance, tattoos, and anything irrelevant, they are NOT here. That's all. NOT HERE.

Have a fantastic life readers...

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