
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Is Whovianism going to be a religion? PBS's Idea Channel explains...

Doctor Who: The Complete Fifth Series
Doctor Who

Let's face it, no other British sci-fi series attracts more fans than BBC's flagship sci-fi series Doctor Who. It's so successful, the fandom is spreading like wildfire. You can't contain your excitement over Who and your inner Whovian's got the best of you, wishing that you want to live the Doctor Life better than being on a boring life. He he he...

The Doctor, his partners, the monsters, the sonic screwdriver, the TARDIS, you know that they'll cool and you really want them so much. As a Whovian, you and I are getting interested on the actors and actresses who are really involved on Who.

That gave them thinking, if many people around the globe (or the outer space) are hooked on Doctor Who, is the venerable British TV show becoming a religion? To find out, PBS' The Idea Channel explained why...

Kinda lol about the whole power struggle thingy...

Let's face it, with all that Who-related GIFs, mixed cultures, cosplays, fanarts, memes, and others that are all wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey, you can never escape your addiction over Doctor Who. Once you love it, you'll never back down...sort of...

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