Those who were big fans of THE IDOLM@STER anime last year may have recognized the Namassuka!? Sunday (生っすか!?サンデー) segment of the series that...well, we really don't get what that is but it's some kind of a variety show that was hosted by Haruka Amami, Chihaya Kisaragi, and Miki Hoshii. When you look at their false website ( made by the producers, it seems that whole Namasukka!? Sunday part on THE IDOLM@STER anime is all about the challenges that were aimed to made them....well, you know what it is.
Anyway, what we got here is the first of the new THE IDOLM@STER ANIM@TION MASTER Namassuka Special range and for the first, they got Takane Shijou, Hibiki Ganaha, and Miki Hoshii all rallied up for a series of challenges offered on this CD and of course, what wouldn't be without a selection of songs offered by Takane, Hibiki, and Miki. To spice it up, the song that was featured from a DLC on THE IDOLM@STER 2 video game, titled きゅんっ! ヴァンパイアガール, is included because when you look at the cover, they're all on their MY DEAR VAMPIRE outfit and this suits it up to the theme.
THE IDOLM@STER ANIM@TION MASTER Namassuka Special 01 may be the first of the all new Namassuka Special range and this range came from the Namassuka!? Sunday show from THE IDOLM@STER but this is a bit more as interesting as a scientist lending you an envelope and when you pull it out, you're straight at the challenge. Think of the Namassuka Special as THE IDOLM@STER ANIMATION MASTER The Challenges because on each CD, an idol has to perform a series of challenges, not on the TV but on the radio because this is an audio CD you're listening. The producers meant to say that...
02:きゅんっ! ヴァンパイアガール(M@STER VERSION)
04:ね~え? 歌:星井美希
05:Believe 歌:我那覇響
06:魂のルフラン 歌:四条貴音
08:亜熱帯 ガール 歌:我那覇響
09:かたちあるもの 歌:四条貴音
10:夢で逢えたら 歌:星井美希
12:初恋 ~一章 片想いの桜~ 歌:星井美希、四条貴音、我那覇響
14:きゅんっ! ヴァンパイアガール(M@STER VERSION) オリジナル・カラオケ
For English-speaking customers:
Anyway, what we got here is the first of the new THE IDOLM@STER ANIM@TION MASTER Namassuka Special range and for the first, they got Takane Shijou, Hibiki Ganaha, and Miki Hoshii all rallied up for a series of challenges offered on this CD and of course, what wouldn't be without a selection of songs offered by Takane, Hibiki, and Miki. To spice it up, the song that was featured from a DLC on THE IDOLM@STER 2 video game, titled きゅんっ! ヴァンパイアガール, is included because when you look at the cover, they're all on their MY DEAR VAMPIRE outfit and this suits it up to the theme.
THE IDOLM@STER ANIM@TION MASTER Namassuka Special 01 may be the first of the all new Namassuka Special range and this range came from the Namassuka!? Sunday show from THE IDOLM@STER but this is a bit more as interesting as a scientist lending you an envelope and when you pull it out, you're straight at the challenge. Think of the Namassuka Special as THE IDOLM@STER ANIMATION MASTER The Challenges because on each CD, an idol has to perform a series of challenges, not on the TV but on the radio because this is an audio CD you're listening. The producers meant to say that...
02:きゅんっ! ヴァンパイアガール(M@STER VERSION)
04:ね~え? 歌:星井美希
05:Believe 歌:我那覇響
06:魂のルフラン 歌:四条貴音
08:亜熱帯 ガール 歌:我那覇響
09:かたちあるもの 歌:四条貴音
10:夢で逢えたら 歌:星井美希
12:初恋 ~一章 片想いの桜~ 歌:星井美希、四条貴音、我那覇響
14:きゅんっ! ヴァンパイアガール(M@STER VERSION) オリジナル・カラオケ
For English-speaking customers:
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