
Saturday, July 21, 2012

A massacre happened during Dark Night Rises premiere...

The Dark Night Rises is the final chapter of Batman's prequels since Batman Begins and The Dark Night. It was premiered earlier and most fans are highly thrilled about the latest Batman adventure. However in Century 16 Theater in Aurora, Colorado, something bad occurred during the premiere.

There was that guy wearing a gas mask, a body armor, something black, and fully armed with different weapons caused so much terror and tragedy, that 15 people were killed during the Dark Knight Rises premiere killing. His name was James Holmes, some student.

Wait a minute, guy wearing a gas mask but caused so much killings at the theater....Did he ever portrayed the antagonist named Bane? Sure, Bane is a madman with a gas mask on that film who caused havoc in Gotham City but could this premiere attack be linked?

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