
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Leopaul's Heaven and Hell: Some idiots obsessed with soundtracks from Hollywood movies

Time for another Heaven and Hell and this is another one of my tale to tell....

I'd never realized that there are some idiots around there are obsessed of finding soundtracks from various Hollywood movies. Why is that? Why are you guys so obsessed with it?

With so many Hollywood movies being showing in theaters worldwide, how come they are so many movie goes are getting obsessed with those background musics heard on various Hollywood movies? Is it because they're spectacular? Is it because it so fun to listen it over and over again? Is it because it's way more fun to listen than anime or video game sound tracks? Not so because only a bunch of complete clattering buttocks are only obsessed with it. You only like a movie not only because of the actors or the storyline but you like it because of the music score you find it better to listen over and over again. This is just nothing but a waste of time. When you finished watching a movie, what you want to do is search on the internet for a original motion picture soundtrack of the movie you've watched. Movies from past to the present, it really doesn't matter unless you were a bunch of GOLDEN COCKS who are obsessed for the motion picture musics.

Thanks to the observation via GOOGLE INSIGHTS, most idiots from the Czech Republic, United States, Mexico, Philippines, Poland, Canada, United Kingdom, Chile, Australia, and Germany spend the whole month searching for movie soundtracks. No wait, gets worse. If I set the timeline for ONE WEEK, turns out the UNITED STATES was in the lead of finding movie soundtracks, even those which are recently showing in theaters. So, how come the power of Hollywood movies attracted not just the movie goers who are excited to watch a movie but also movie fans who love original motion picture soundtracks?

This thing is seriously uncool. I kept visiting the Webmaster Tools to check out the ABNORMALITIES of my blog and guess what it came out on the ABNORMALITIES list? It's like someone's finding a soundtrack from THE LINCOLN LAWYER or DARK SHADOWS! I'm sorry, I really don't have that one because THERE IS A RULE ON MY BLOG;


Sadly then, it's 2:00 AM PST and I have to go to sleep right now before my Mommy discovered I'm not. Unless those COCKY STUFF has to put to an end, it seems that those clattering buttocks became too unstoppable to find the best original motion picture soundtracks. When will you guys stop?

If you have an argument, don't be afraid to POST A COMMENT. Come on! POST A COMMENT! It's not that hard, right? Come on! POST A COMMENT!

That is all for this Heaven and Hell. I find something that is truly irritating, this should be on my HEAVEN AND HELL segment. Until then, some idiots obsessed with soundtracks from Hollywood movies are considered HELL.

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