Friday, June 29, 2012

Leopaul's Heaven and Hell: A Search engine is not a comments box! No room for question marks! Okay?

Now switching myself into "Columnist Mode" for another Heaven and Hell....

As you may know, search engines such as Google are made to search a specific keyword you're looking. It was made to check on the latest news and information surrounding around you. For me, I used a search engine to search what I'm looking about such as topics for my project, assignment, or anything else.

One of the things that drives me up the wall here in the internet is when every time I checked on my blog's Feedjit and I observe most of the queries that connect to one of my posts, it appears that there are so many idiots who turned search queries into comments that never been posted in my blog. I saw queries like for example "when will this car come out in the philippines?" or "what is the difference between this or that" or "what is the song on the car commercial". I strongly believe that they're not search queries....THEY'RE COMMENTS!!! COMMENTS THAT NEVER BEEN POSTED TO MY BLOG!

How many times do I have to told you that a search query is not a comments box? Ten times? Hundred times? Thousand times? Million times? Maybe more but MOST of you never ever payed attention because you brainless idiots kept doing the same thing. You always kept doing the same thing of turning the search engine into a comments box minus the post. How come my blog doesn't have comments? Oh yeah, because you have kept turning search queries into comments and when I check into my blog's Feedjit or my blog's overview stats, it seems that rarely, queries exceeded the limit because you always keep doing the same thing. Please keep search queries "short but specific". If a search query is a bit TOO LONG, I'm afraid that is not a search query at all but rather a comment that you have to post it on my blog.

I gave you instructions on how to comment in my blog but sadly, none of them believed and just keep doing the internet's most stupid thing; TURNING A SEARCH ENGINE INTO A COMMENTS BOX. Oh come on. Posting a comment wasn't that hard, perhaps you were a big clattering buttock. A BIG CLATTERING A**-HOLE!!!! AM I CLEAR? Do please post a comment. I'm not warning you to do so, I'm stopping mindless people from turning a search engine into a comments box by making up very very long search queries that disturb even the most sophisticated search engine.

As a person in charge of my blog, I am observing different visitors with different behaviors but what I really don't want to see in my blog is visitors who keep doing the wrong things in my blog. People who really have no experience about blogs and people who doesn't have knowledge about the internet. Blogs are made to share your knowledge to everybody else, don't forget that.


That is all for this Heaven and Hell article...

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