
Saturday, April 21, 2012

ITC280 Update 3

What we learned on Week 3 of ITC280 Class...

1. We don’t need a closing php tag if there are no conflicts.
<? php
echo "does this work?";

2. A function that has data passed to it as a parameter.
$myPay = 50000;


function areYouHappy($myPay)


   if($myPay >= 110000)


  echo "I'm Happy!";


  echo "Not so Happy!";



3. We can use curly braces to identify the variable - with backslash added to escape dollar sign
echo "I'm Happy with the \${$myPay}!";

4. We can pass in a variable via the keyword global.
$myPay = 50000;


function areYouHappy()


 global $myPay;

   if($myPay >= 110000)


        echo "I'm Happy with the \${$myPay}!";


        echo "Not so Happy with the \${$myPay}!";



5. Use the keyword return to pass data out of a function.

$myPay = 50000;

echo areYouHappy();

function areYouHappy()


 global $myPay;

   if($myPay >= 110000)


        return "I'm Happy with the \${$myPay}!";



        return "Not so Happy with the \${$myPay}!";



6. We can pass the data in as a parameter, and add br tags for readability.
$myPay = 50000;
echo areYouHappy($myPay);

echo areYouHappy(5);

echo areYouHappy(140000);

echo areYouHappy(30);

function areYouHappy($myPay)


   if($myPay >= 110000)


        return "I'm Happy with the \${$myPay}!<br />";


        return "Not so Happy with the \${$myPay}!<br />";



7. Text is the default type attribute for the input element.
First Name: <input name="FirstName" />

8. An example of data in a querystring

9. If we have more than one piece of data, it is separated by ampersand.

10. If a value has a space, it is replaced with a plus sign.

11. Our first web application.


echo $_POST['FirstName']; 


12. Our first REAL web application.





echo $_POST['FirstName'];

echo '<br /><a href="forms2.php">RESET</a>'; 



 <form action="forms2.php" method="post">

 First Name: <input type="text" name="FirstName" /><br />

 Last Name: <input type="text" name="LastName" /><br />

 <input type="submit" />







13. Example of a superglobal. It gives us the current file name.

14. Force cast data to an integer
$myTires = (int)$_POST['Tires'];//forced cast to int


Sadly, my scores at Pop Quiz # 4 and Test # 3 are badly. For Pop Quiz # 4, I got 67% then on Test # 3, it's a 50%. Can't believe that most of the questions here are extremely difficult. I tried looking back at past lessons but the questions are too complicated to answer. Next time, I should remain focused on my class in order to get a better grade.

Speaking of which, I am currently working on Assignment # 3, which is the Troubleshooting Exercise. Due Monday, Apr. 23rd. In class, we only finished 5 out of 10 errors to find on this assignment. The trouble is, how can I find the remaining five errors?

Anyway, Mr. Newman set up the fixed version but the link is broken. I e-mailed him to get this link to the fixed "adder.php" page fixed so I can get the five remaining errors found. God, help us...


Pop Quiz # 4 - 7/10 (67%)
Test # 3 - 9/18 (50%)

1 comment:

Bill said...


Excellent job on A3!

If you believe a particular test question to be hard to interpret please send an email and let me know you have a question about one of the test questions.

I can usually send a hint on where to look in the book or on the class website.

There will be extra credit opportunities to make up the lost points.

Thanks for working so hard!


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