Thursday, November 10, 2011

THAT WAS RUBBISH! Limited Edition McRib uses the same formula from a yoga mat!?


My big sister, Elise, asked me about a weird stuff coming inside the McRib, which is a limited-edition McDonald's item that often comes in seasonal basis, just like the "only-in-the-Philippines" Twister Fries. She told me that McRib uses an ingredient that was found in the yoga mat and I said that this was disgusting.

Really? Does the limited edition McRib uses a formula that is commonly used to create Yoga Mats? Oh no, that's horrible! Why would I believe to someone who is highly addicted to zombies? Gosh, do I really believe that? Is that McRib really using the formula used from yoga mats? Could that be a fact or just an urban legend?

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