
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Greetings from special agents Elysia de Lute Ima and Haqua d'rot Herminium

Greetings from special agents Elysia de Lute Ima and Haqua d'rot Herminium

This looks promising... If you already watched the whole The World God Only Knows (日本名:神のみぞ知るセカイII) series and read the whole manga volumes, you should be familiar with the special agents from Hell who helped Keima Katsuragi on such misadventures and this is it. Elysia de Lute Ima (or Elsie for short) and Haqua d'rot Herminium (or Haqua for short) are together at last on their own full album titled Greetings from special agents Elysia de Lute Ima and Haqua d'rot Herminium. Both Elsie and Haqua had the best audience impact on the anime series but we want to know what is like having them singing together for their first full album and now for the first time, thanks to a generous Kaminomi fan, we can tell you.

Geneon Universal Entertainment seeks this full album as a delicious investment as much as toys. With Elsie (CV: Kanae Ito) and Haqua (CV: Saori Hayami) back to back, we will be able to tell how does this new album has the biggest thrill and come on, this is our Enzo for the day!

This album contains 10 unique tracks made specifically on the album such as Nonstop!! Hunters, アタフタNight & Day!, ご機嫌いかが?, 1'st EVOLUTION→, Good Night Song ~同じ空の下で~, and much more.

A limited edition includes not just the music CD but also a special DVD with the music video of Nonstop!! Hunters by Kanae Ito and Saori Hayami as Elsie and Haqua.

Seems that my solution needs refining but when the next time you woke up and realize that you are not along but you need some help here, remember the Kaketama-tai are here to help.


01 Nonstop!! Hunters/駆け魂隊(新曲)
03 アタフタNight & Day!/エルシィ(新曲)
04 ご機嫌いかが?/ハクア(新曲)
05 コイノシルシ feat. 駆け魂隊(ハクアボーカル新録による新音源)
06 Oh!まい☆GOD!!/エルシィ
07 1‘st EVOLUTION→/ハクア(新曲)
08 アイノヨカン from Elsie/エルシィ(新音源)
09 Good Night Song ~同じ空の下で~/駆け魂隊(新曲)
10 アイノヨカン feat. 駆け魂隊(フルサイズCD初収録)

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