Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Crikey! Top Gear Australia got cancelled!

"It's true - as of next week, TGA will be on at the special time of not at all. Sorry to the open-minded people that gave it a go and enjoyed!" - Steve Pizzati, Top Gear Australia host

Oh, crikey! It seems that the Australian version of Top Gear got themselves pulled out because of very low ratings and the viewership waned to about 400,000.

Australia's Channel Nine decided to get rid of Top Gear Australia after two years of programming the Aussie version of the BBC hit motoring TV magazine. At its first run, it garnered 1.5 million viewers nationwide but later on dropped to about 400,000 viewers nationwide.

This Australian channel said that only four episodes of the current season but only three are aired, which means, when will they aired the fourth episode of this current season of Top Gear Australia?

Back in 2008, Top Gear Australia was aired in SBS and this version is hosted by Steve Pizzati, Charlie Cox, and Warren Brown. Every version has their own Stig and Top Gear Australia's never without The Stig, Top Gear's mascot driver. Later on, with season 2 of Top Gear Australia produced by SBS, Charlie Cox was been replaced by James Morrison, a musician just before Channel Nine obtain the rights in last year. When Nine aired TGA, both James Morrison and Warren Brown got replaced by actor Shane Jacobson and Ewen Page, a journalist.

It's been a rough memo to remove the Australian version of Top Gear but I'm sure we'll miss this Aussie version.

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