
Monday, August 22, 2011

No hurt feelings...

In case of sensitive events, how can you communicate without hurting his/her feelings? Pooh told us tips on a segment called "No Hurt Feelings".

CASE 1: If your friend has something on his/her tooth, tell him/her that what ulam did he/she ate

CASE 2: If your friend has a dark underarm, tell him/her that there's a mark on it

CASE 3: If your friend smells bad, tell him/her that your friend got splashed by suka

CASE 4: If your friend has a muta, tell him/her that his/her eyes are pretty

CASE 5: If your friend has bad breath, tell him/her that did they toothbrush yet

No hurt feelings. Add some spice to your words!

Alpha-Bert turns MIC into MICE!

There was a huge riot going on at the KTV bar. With such trouble, Alpha-Bert to the rescue! To stop an angry man from wrecking the KTV bar, Alpha-Bert turned the word MIC into MICE, scaring the angry man away but others...

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