Saturday, August 27, 2011

My experience of getting locked outside

Hi there, it's me, Leopaul!

I'll share you my story that is something embarrassing in my life...

When my two sisters left to Wenatchee and my other is still asleep upstairs, my mommy asked my to locked the doors but that is to the front. Meanwhile, I used the back door to get outside and when I'm outside, I went for a leisure walk. After my leisure walk, I went back to the back door when suddenly, I got locked, all doors! I tried yelling to my sister, Cecille, who is sleeping upstairs, but nothing worked. While I'm stranded outside, I have to say hi to our neighbor, Mrs. Ramos, before I have to come up with a plan. Good thing, I'm still in a Wi-Fi hotspot (because our house is a Wi-Fi hotspot thanks to Qwest, which is now CenturyLink) and while I'm stranded next door, I'm watching some NHK in my iPod Touch.

After watching some NHK on my iPod Touch, I have come up with a plan to get inside because some of the windows are opened. First, I have to realize that the window that leads to my bedroom is open but its too high. I tried getting the ladder but the ladder is chained from the balcony. Nothing worked until...

...I realize something that the window that heads to the living room is open but there's a screen attached. Good thing, some parts of the screen are ripped and I managed to get rid of the screen before getting through the window but it's moderately high so I have to get a chair outside. Later, I'm using the chair as a stand so I can reach through the window. After moments of grip, I managed to get inside my house. That was too close....

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