Friday, July 15, 2011

Diplomat Kosaku Kuroda Original Soundtrack

Diplomat Kosaku Kuroda Original Soundtrack
The TV drama aired in Fuji TV since 1st quarter 2011, titled Diplomat Kosaku Kuroda (日本名:外交官・黒田康作), is the spin-off drama from the hit 2009 suspense movie, Amalfi: Megami no Hoshu. On the TV drama, Yuji Oda reprise his movie role from Amalfi, Diplomat Kosaku Kuroda, and this time, he's on San Francisco on a race against time against San Francisco's most grueling case yet.

The original soundtrack from the Diplomat Kosaku Kuroda TV Drama contains 21 tracks used on the TV drama, all composed by Yugo Kanno, who is also responsible for the original music score from the Amalfi movie. The song "Time To Say Goodbye" by IL DIVO is included as well. With these tracks, these will relieve Diplomat Kuroda's race against the clock in the most grueling case happened in the streets of San Francisco, unlike his past missions in Italy and Macau.


1. 外交官・黒田康作
2. 新たな戦い〜外交の闇〜
3. 不可解な事件
4. 厳戒態勢
5. 秘密
6. レクイエム〜永遠の安息を〜
7. あの・・・・
8. 最愛の恋人の死の真実
9. 潜入捜査
10. 真相究明
11. 地図オタク
12. 闇
13. 対峙
14. 騙し合い
15. 佃警察署
16. 裏切り
17. 命の灯火
18. 真相は藪の中
19. 日本を信じること
20. 外交官・黒田康作〜邦人の命を守る〜
21. タイム・トゥ・セイ・グッバイ/ イル・ディーヴォ

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