
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Not sure how does the Shoutbox mounted on my site work?

Hey guys, this is Leopaul.

Since June 1, 2011, I've added a Shoutbox on my site. It's on the right side. Unfortunately, I think no one is using that Shoutbox mounted on my site. You see, I put it so when the next time when I check on the search queries, there will be no questions. Just search terms only and not questions like what, when, where, how, why, or any of those WH- questions. All your questions will be put on that Shoutbox but nobody listened to me.

OK, you know what? I'll explain how does that Shoutbox added on my site works:

(click to enlarge)

See on the right side of my blog? That's the Shoutbox. To use it, type your name at the Name box. Screen names will work and there is no need to log in to that chat box. It is optional to put your website's URL at the Website box. At the message box, type your message. There is no limit in how many characters or words you want to place. Type as many as you want and then click "Shout" to post message.

Be sure not to post everything rude or showing personal information at the Shoutbox. This Shoutbox placed on my site is a clean zone. BE WARNED!

So, there you have it. I've explained everything about how to use the Shoutbox placed on my site, right? This is a place on my site where you can ask some questions. When the next time I checked on your search queries and when the next time I see a "question" as a search query by any means of using WH- questions, I'll notify someone via Twitter.


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