
Friday, March 18, 2011

Some risky maneuvers from Alpha Bert and Dear Etang

BSDS Risky Maneuver # 1: Wife gets mad at her husband because of his beer-drinking habits. The two gone fighting mad. Alpha Bert to the rescue but the situation's getting worse; drunk man strangles his wife with a TUBO! By the word TUBO, that's the word of the day. Only two letters needed; L and O, replace T and U with L and O and the word is LOBO! The pipe turned into a balloon and the wife fights back!

Turn TUBO into LOBO!

BSDS Risky Maneuver # 2: Another episode of Dear Etang where Ate Etang read a letter from a kasambahay trying to prevent prank calls from the Dugo Dugo Gang. When the phone rings, the kasambahay is trying to prove that is that her amo or just a scam from the Dugo Dugo Gang. She prevented it but the coincidence is; the caller's no Dugo Dugo Gang but it's her amo! Looks like we got a lesson learned from Ate Etang; not most callers are from Dugo Dugo Gang and you're a kasambahay, not a game show host, try to lessen some questions!

"Prove to me that you're my amo
and not some kind from Dugo Dugo Gang!"

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