
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ate Etang read a letter from a kasambahay who doesn't know about idioms

Roses courtesy from Alpha Bert
Earlier on Banana Split Daily Servings, there was another Alpha Bert episode! In this episode, a man visited his girlfriend without presents! His girlfriend got mad at him! Who needs help? Alpha Bert will help him! That day's word is "BOSES", then replace B with a letter R and the word is "ROSES"! The boy gave his girlfriend some roses and apology accepted!

Where's the dining table?

Then, there was another Dear Etang episode, whereas Pokwang, as Ate Etang, read a letter written from a kasambahay who does not know idioms and taking it literally. When her amo said "kakain ako sa labas", she removed the dining table and placed outside. Therefore, she got fired because she doesn't know what does this idiom means and taking it literally. Ate Etang's advice is to understand first what these idioms like "kakain ako sa labas" means. Who knows, when you heard the idiom "break a leg", you could really just break a leg literary. Speaking of which, does Ate Etang's kasambahay cooking a human being?!

Ate Etang freaked out!

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