Monday, December 13, 2010

Special Daihatsu Move customization brings the Hidden Mickey inside!

Disney interior package for the 2011 Daihatsu Move/Move Custom

With the launch of the new, fifth-generation, Daihatsu Move, it seems there will be lots of customization items offered for the new model.

Aside from that, there is a very special customization for the new Move that has a special guest star! That's right! The mouse is in the Move because there's a special Disney interior package!

This special customization covers the seats and flooring with everything Mickey! Yes! There's a hidden Mickey inside the new Move! It comes in two colors; white and pink! Most of the Disney seat covers and the Disney floormat comes with the Air Wash, so cleaning them up is a breeze.

Looks like most women would love to have a Hidden Mickey inside the new Move!

More Info (Japanese only):

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