Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My PW First Impressions

A week ago after I bought the latest Metal Gear title called Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker (日本名:メタルギアソリッド:ピースウォーカー), of course what did I expect about this awesome addition to the legendary stealth action game that made it one of Konami's flagship titles...

To put up on this, sneaking missions can be easy or difficult, depending on which equipment you had and how your fellow player acts... Even when going solo, I can still take out the enemy leader without killing him and capture the armored vehicle, tank or helicopter I've encountered. I wonder if some guys doing Co-ops doing the same method as I am, no kills, enough Fulton recovery for each player, and the right equipments.

As you and I succeed, the missions getting more tougher and tougher, meaning you need more researched weapons and equipment essential to various missions, including Extra Ops.

As you progress the game, you can build the ultimate MG-ZEKE and use it on Outer Ops. To do this, you need to fight three AI weapons such as the Pupa (easy as pie), Chrysalis (too easy or too hard), and the Cocoon (extremely hard). As Huey says, try to leave parts intact.

The Peace Walker battle is far out to be the most difficult battle in this game. In your first encounter (in two leg form), this is easy to beat, unless you have enough supply marks and strike marks. The second, and mostly the last, battle (in four-leg form) is truly the most extreme battle you'll ever face, unless you need some co-ops with other players. Going solo is extremely hard, but in co-ops, you can take out of this "el basilisco" once and for all.

I'm sure I am truly addicted to this game. I handled several challenges, from sneaking various areas, doing some no-alert and no-kills, kick some AI Weapon butts, capture vehicles, surviving the dreaded torture from Dr. Strangelove, going through the final battle, then after completing the game; searching Zadornov (Galvez's real name) from his hiding spots, and rematch Pupa, Chrysalis, and Cocoon to gain essential MG-Zeke Parts. I like Cecile's imitation quetzal sounds, in some mission where you will retrieve the right ID card from a mercenary with some quetzal sounds nearby.

I am truly recommend this game for those who love it.

Say Peace!

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