"K-On!" (日本名:けいおん!) is an anime about high school girls joining a small music club that it needs to be saved from being faded away from their school forever. With the elements of friendship, fun, rivalry, trust to each other, and inspiration revolves the story, (not forget the moe-ness) this short TV series gained a lot of reputation from anime fans all over Japan, admiring more than other Kyoto Animation shows such as "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya", "Lucky Star", "CLANNAD", "Air", and "Kanon". Best of all, this show provides more music, more fun, and more cuteness from our favorites such as Yui, Mio, Ritsu, and Tsumugi. (Don't forget Azu-nyan or Azusa Nakano)
This original sound track of this TV Show brings back the memories of viewers taking from the main cast joining the "Sakurakou K-On Bu" all the way to their club's success. Provided by Hajime Hyakkou-san, the original sound track contains the following tunes to bring otakus back the memories of Sakurakou K-On Bu and the ups and downs of everyone in this story:
1. Have some tea?
2. Morning dew
3. 急げや急げ!
4. かわいい陰謀
5. 2匹の子猫
6. いい夢見てね
7. Cotton candy
8. Virtual love
9. タンポポ宅急便
10. うっかり君の為に
11. Genki!
12. おばあちゃんのタンス
13. The other side of evening sun
14. Dead soldiers(笑)
15. Hold on to your love
16. Falling reinforced concrete
17. Small flashing
18. けん玉くん
19. 軽い冗談
20. クレープはいかが?
21. Happy languidness
22. Emerald green
23. My hometown where it snows
24. 銀世界の朝
25. Tea at the night of Christmas
26. 子猫の演奏会
27. Patrol of stroll
28. Doki Doki Friday night
29. りんご…Ringo…リンゴ飴
30. 15歳のマーチ
31. じゃじゃ馬3人娘
32. Hesitation
33. ピンチ大好き!
34. ドレスにクレープは似合わない?
35. あの日の夢
36. Happy End
For an added surprise, there is a free card based on the cover with the picture of Yui Hirasawa, Mio Akiyama, Ritsu Tainaka, and Tsumugi Kotobuki, so you can keep the fondest memories of K-on-ism!
Surprisingly, this original soundtrack of this anime is not much of a turn-on, but with the free card inside, it shouldn't be a worry for the K-On fan and the memories of this TV series can be preserved just by plugging in this CD to the nearest player and enjoy the K-On madness on the go.
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